Work Related Injury
Manassas Chiropractor Treats Work Related Injuries call (703)-257-0100
Were you injured at work? Is your work related injury limiting your ability to continue working. Have you still not started treatment yet for your work accident injury. The process of any Workers compensation injury can be very daunting. However, taking a few steps everyday to get you closer to improvements with your pain and being able to return to your usual and customary employment. There are many common place work related injuries affecting our patients. So if you have had an accident at work let us provide you chiropractic care for your compensation claim.
Some people are injured with repetitive activities like typing causing carpal tunnel syndrome or a back injury after lifting objects at work. The first steps towards managing the physical pain after a workplace accident are important to expedite the recovery process with therapy. The sooner you treat your industrial injury the sooner you will be able to return to work.
Trying to work through the pain is not the best option. It is very important to find out as quickly as possible how severe your workplace injury is so that the proper diagnostic testing and treatment can be performed so that you can return to work as soon as possible without further injury. Establishing a work injury doctor can expedite that entire process. If you have retained legal services and have a lawyer we will contact them for you and inform them of your work accident medical status. Just bring in on your first visit the work injury law office information and we will contact them for you.
Sometimes is nonspecific injury that causes work related pain it’s caused from repetitive trauma. Chiropractic care can help with poor posture and ergonomics can lead to chronic slowly progressing pain that can become intractable without intervention. Sometimes it’s just a matter of making a few ergonomic changes at work and limiting the amount of hours which are working to improve your recovery. Working while you’re getting therapy can be very helpful with determining what certain activities may be exacerbating the current complaints. Our office is in Manassas VA 20111.
Innovative treatments and Work Station management can keep you performing at that and optimal level so that you may be able to go without the need for medication or surgery with early intervention. So if you have suffered from any type pain or carpal tunnel syndrome from employment get in for treatment to help relieve your pain.
So just call (703)-257-0100 to schedule an appointment today!