Treatment for Auto Injuries and Pain.
Auto injury and prolonged pain can be very difficult if treatment is postponed. It’s also recommended to get personal injury treatment or car accident therapy shortly after your auto accident. Our office provides auto accident therapy in northern Virginia and will work with your personal injury attorney both in and out of state. It’s important to understand the message of pain and seek out treatment and therapy sooner rather than later. Especially if you were in a car injury which most likely resulted in a whiplash injury which will need treatment and therapy in order to get whiplash injury relief at our personal injury clinic —if we don’t take time out of our busy life to get treatment for our pain, it will continue to worsen. Sciatic therapy for a pinched nerve treated soon after a flare up always heels faster. People doing cross fit training and mixed martial arts should also be under treatment and therapy to expedite flare ups and recovery times. So just call 📞 (703)257-0100 if your looking for a personal injury chiropractor.
Pain medications will provide quick relief. However, prolonged use may not be the best solution in many cases. Taking prolonged medications to cover up the pain may only delay identification of its origin and could lead to more difficulties.
When pain is lasting more than a few days it is important to clearly establish and identify its cause before pursuing more invasive treatment options. Routine visits depending on your condition and diagnosis can prevent any further worsening complaints. The importance of treating a sports injury earlier than later can make all the difference long term. If you had a car injury, lost compensation, attorney, and need treatment, therapy and pain relief just call 📞 (703)257-0100 most likely we can see you the same day, depending on circumstances.
It’s important to take the time to understand your body and any pain complaints. Ultimately, during the process, one learns much about themselves and how to manage their pain more effectively.
I hope that my chiropractic office in Manassas can help you better understand and relieve the cause of your pain.
James Binning DCPC Chiropractor Manassas Va
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic health care focuses on the structural integrity of the body with emphasis on health disorders associated with the spine and central nervous system. Chiropractic is a drug free, non-surgical approach to healthcare, which does not include pharmaceuticals or incisive surgeries. The doctor performs an “adjustment” or “manipulation” of the vertebra, or joint, which have abnormal movement patterns and fail to function properly.
What can you expect on your first visit?
A detailed physical examination and history will be performed which may include x-rays, laboratory analysis, and other diagnostic procedures. Then, your new patient file will be assembled, and office procedures and protocols will be explained. In some circumstances, therapy or an adjustment or combination of the both will be performed on the first visit. However, In most cases the adjustment usually takes place on the second visit.
Medical records consist of:
- X-ray reports and actual X-ray films.
- MRI reports and actual MRI films.
- Electrodiagnostic (EMG/NCV) testing.
- Operative reports.
- Blood testing results.
- Prior Initial and Final medical reports.
What is the chiropractic adjustment or manipulation?
The adjustment is usually given by hand or and activator type instrument and consists of applying pressure to the areas of the spine or joint that are out of alignment or do not move properly within their normal range of motion. Under normal circumstances, adjustments don’t hurt, you just feel better. Sometimes you may experience a mild discomfort but it usually lasts only a few seconds. Sometimes a popping noise is heard, it’s nothing more than a release of gas pressure between the two articulating joint surfaces. It’s always recommended that after your first adjustment you avoid any strenuous activity for the remainder of the day, no lifting, or any prolonged activities.
How long is my treatment going to last?
Your treatments won’t last forever. It’s important to get you out of pain as quickly as possible, get your body back to functioning normally again, and then strengthen it a little to avoid future flare ups or exacerbation. Everyone’s recovery is different and dependent on your age, condition, lifestyle and compliance with the recommended treatment plan, repeated visits may be needed over weeks or months to reduce or eliminate your symptoms. On your second visit to the office your treatment plan will be discussed in detail.
What is a Bone Scan?
Your doctor may order a bone scan to help diagnose subtle or hidden bone fractures that may not show up on a routine X-ray, such as a stress fracture. Bone scans can also help detect:
- Bone cancer
- Bone infections
- Arthritis
- Causes of unexplained bone pain
No special preparation is required on your part before a bone scan, though you may be asked to remove jewelry or other metal objects. You can eat or drink anything you like before the test. As with most tests, tell your doctor if you’re pregnant or think you might be pregnant. Bone scans aren’t performed on pregnant women because of concerns about radiation exposure to the fetus.
A bone scan can be divided into two basic parts:
- The injection. You will receive an injection of tracers into a vein in your arm. You’ll then wait about two to four hours to allow the tracers to circulate and be absorbed by your bones. You may be allowed to leave the health care facility while you’re waiting. Your doctor will ask you to drink several glasses of water so you’ll urinate frequently — this removes unabsorbed radioactive material from your system.
- The scan. During the scan, you’ll be asked to lie very still on a table while a machine with an arm-like device supporting the gamma camera passes over your body and records the pattern of tracer absorption in your bones. This is painless. A scan of your entire skeleton takes about 30 minutes. Scanning a limited area of your body.
What is a MRI?
These tests can be done at most local spine care centers in northern Virginia. These images especially are helpful for examination of the headaches, brain, neck pain, spinal cord and soft tissues. MRI often is used in the diagnosis of central nervous system disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, because of its high-resolution images of the brain and spinal cord’s white and gray matter. In addition, MRI can be helpful for evaluating joint, ligament, muscle and bone problems. You can eat normally and continue to take your usual medications before this procedure, unless otherwise instructed. You may be asked to remove your street clothes and given a gown and robe to wear or told to wear clothing without metal fasteners, such as sweats. Before the test, you will need to remove all accessories — watch, jewelry, hairpins. Also remove wigs, dentures and hearing aids. This is necessary so that metallic objects in these items won’t affect the quality of the MRI picture and to prevent electronic items — watch, hearing aid — from being damaged by the magnets. Tell the technologist if you have any metal or electronic devices in your body, such as metallic joint prostheses, artificial heart valves, implanted electronic devices, cochlear implants or magnets in your dentures. The presence of metal in your body may be a safety hazard or affect a portion of the MRI image.You shouldn’t receive an MRI scan if you have an implantable cardiac defibrillator or pacemaker. The strong magnetic field produced by the MRI unit may interfere with the pacemaker’s function. If you think you’re pregnant, tell the technologist before undergoing MRI imaging because the effects of magnetic fields on fetuses aren’t well established.If you have any questions, ask your physician or MRI technologist. Just contact our chiropractic offices Manassas if any further information is needed.
The MRI machine is a large magnet with a central opening. You’ll lie down on a moveable table that slides into the opening of the magnet. Depending on the part of your body to be examined, a small coil may be placed around that portion being examined to receive the MRI signal. A technologist will monitor you from another room, and you will be able to talk with the technologist by microphone. In addition, you may be allowed to have a friend or family member stay in the room with you. The MRI machine creates a strong magnetic field around you, and radio waves are directed at your body. You will not feel the magnetic field or radio waves, and there are no moving parts around you. You will hear repetitive tapping, thumping sounds or other noises during the MRI scan. These sounds come from the internal part of the magnet. Ear-plugs or music may be provided to help block the noise. An MRI examination can take between 30 and 90 minutes. While the scan is taking place, breathe quietly but comfortably, without moving your head or body. Most people find that after several minutes of imaging they become quite relaxed and have few problems lying still for the duration of the examination. If you have a hard time lying still for the required period of time or are anxious about the enclosed space, you may be given a sedative. Some MRI units may be wider, shorter or open on all sides, which may be more comfortable for you. However, the quality of images taken from these systems may vary. In some cases contrast agents are injected into your veins to enhance certain tissues or blood vessels in the images. These will be inserted into an arm or hand vein with the use of a needle connected to an intravenous line. These contrast agents are different than those used in kidney tests or computerized tomography (CT) scanning. They don’t contain iodine and are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.
What is an EMG/NCV (Nerve) test?
Electromyography is a test that measures muscle response to nervous stimulation (electrical activity within muscle fibers).
How the test is performed
For an EMG, a needle electrode is inserted through the skin into the muscle. The electrical activity detected by this electrode is displayed on an oscilloscope (and may be displayed audibly through a speaker). These tests can help us diagnose tarsal tunnel syndrome for treatment, pinched nerve, carpal tunnel syndrome for therapy, and sciatica for treatment to name a few. Because skeletal muscles are isolated and often large units, each electrode gives only an average picture of the activity of the selected muscle. Several electrodes may need to be placed at various locations to obtain an accurate study. After placement of the electrode(s), you may be asked to contract the muscle (for example, by bending your arm). The presence, size, and shape of the wave form — the action potential — produced on the oscilloscope provide information about the ability of the muscle to respond when the nerves are stimulated. Each muscle fiber that contracts will produce an action potential, and the size of the muscle fiber affects the rate (frequency) and size (amplitude) of the action potentials. A nerve conduction velocity test is often done at the same time as an EMG. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) is a test of the speed of conduction of impulses through a nerve.
How the test is performed
The nerve is stimulated, usually with surface electrodes, which are patch-like electrodes (similar to those used for ECG) placed on the skin over the nerve at various locations. One electrode stimulates the nerve with a very mild electrical impulse. The resulting electrical activity is recorded by the other electrodes. The distance between electrodes and the time it takes for electrical impulses to travel between electrodes are used to calculate the nerve conduction velocity.
What is a CT Scan?
CAT scan; Computed axial tomography (CAT) scan
Computed tomography (CT) a method of body imaging in which a thin x-ray beam rotates around the patient. Small detectors measure the amount of x-rays that make it through the patient or particular area of interest. A computer analyzes the data to construct a cross-sectional image. These images can be stored, viewed on a monitor, or printed on film. In addition, three-dimensional models of organs can be created by stacking the individual images, or “slices.”
How the test is performed
The patient will be asked to lie on a narrow table (gantry) that slides into the center of the scanner. Depending on the study being performed, the patient may need to lie on his/her stomach, back, or side. If contrast media (dye) is to be administered, an IV will be placed in a small vein of a hand or arm. Much like standard photographic cameras, subject motion causes blurred images in CT. Therefore, the technologist operating the scanner and supervising the patient will give instructions through an intercom when to hold one’s breath and not move. As the exam takes place, the gantry will advance small intervals through the scanner. Modern “spiral” scanners can perform the examination in one continuous motion of the gantry. Generally, complete scans will only take a few minutes, however, additional contrast-enhanced or higher-resolution scans will add to the scan time. The newest multidetector scanners can image the entire body, head to toe, in less than 30 seconds.
How to prepare for the test
The CT scanner has a weight limit to prevent damage to the mechanized gantry. Have the health care provider contact the scanner operator if you weigh more than 300 pounds. Since metal is very, very dense, the x-ray beam has difficulty passing through it and results in errors in the involved constructed slices (artifact). Therefore, the patient will be asked to remove jewelry and wear a hospital gown during the study.